Ok, here’s the code for the function to convert “numeric words” (e.g. “one”, “seventeen”, “four thousand and ninety six”) to numbers, and the link for the page to test it:
And the code:
function convert_lToN($in){
global $addCollumn;
if (empty($in)) return $in;
$numberWords = array(
"zero" => 0,
"one" => 1,
"two" => 2,
"three" => 3,
"four" => 4,
"five" => 5,
"six" => 6,
"seven" => 7,
"eight" => 8,
"nine" => 9,
"ten" => 10,
"eleven" => 11,
"twelve" => 12,
"thirteen" => 13,
"fourteen" => 14,
"fifteen" => 15,
"sixteen" => 16,
"seventeen" => 17,
"eighteen" => 18,
"nineteen" => 19,
"twenty" => 20,
"thirty" => 30,
"forty" => 40,
"fifty" => 50,
"sixty" => 60,
"seventy" => 70,
"eighty" => 80,
"ninety" => 90,
"hundred" => 100,
"thousand" => 1000,
"million" => 1000000,
"billion" => 1000000000,
"and" => 0
$wordList = explode(" ", $in);
$out = "";
$myNumber = 0;
$outArray = array();
$lastComma = 0;
foreach ($wordList as $index => $word) {
$test = strtolower(rtrim($word,",.?!"));
if (!array_key_exists($test, $numberWords)) {
$outArray[] = $word;
if ($test == "billion") {
$acCount = count($addCollumn) - 1;
$tmpTotal = 0;
for($n = $lastComma; $n <= $acCount;$n++) {
$tmpAdd = $addCollumn[$n];
$addCollumn[$n] = 0;
$tmpTotal += $tmpAdd;
$addCollumn[] = 0;
$lastComma = $n + 1;
if ($test == "million") {
$acCount = count($addCollumn) - 1;
$tmpTotal = 0;
for($n = $lastComma; $n <= $acCount;$n++) {
$tmpAdd = $addCollumn[$n];
$addCollumn[$n] = 0;
$tmpTotal += $tmpAdd;
$addCollumn[$acCount] = $tmpTotal * 1000000;
$addCollumn[] = 0;
$lastComma = $n + 1;
if ($test == "thousand") {
$acCount = count($addCollumn) - 1;
$tmpTotal = 0;
for($n = $lastComma; $n <= $acCount;$n++) {
$tmpAdd = $addCollumn[$n];
$addCollumn[$n] = 0;
$tmpTotal += $tmpAdd;
$addCollumn[$acCount] = $tmpTotal * 1000;
$addCollumn[] = 0;
$lastComma = $n + 1;
if ($test == "hundred") {
$acCount = count($addCollumn);
$addCollumn[$acCount - 1] *= 100;
$addCollumn[] = 0;
$addCollumn[] = $numberWords[$test];
$outArray[] = "ph";
$total = 0;
foreach ($addCollumn as $num) {
$total += $num;
$total = number_format($total);
$phFound = false;
foreach ($outArray as $place) {
if ($place == "ph") {
if ($phFound) continue;
$phFound = true;
$out .= " $total";
$out .= " $place";
return ltrim($out);
Again, I don’t think it will handle multiple instances of number words, nor will it process things like “999 billion”, but the core functionality works as intended.